BRRRR Master's Program

Throughout this course, you will learn essential aspects of the BRRRR method, including how to secure financing, set up an LLC, find properties, screen tenants, and navigate key stages such as Rehab and Refinance. Our goal is to equip you with a solid foundation to kickstart your real estate investing journey.

Become Investor Ready

In the first chapter of the BRRRR Masters Program, you will learn the foundations of traditional Real Estate Investing versus the BRRRR method, and gain insight into which strategy suits you or your project best. In the following chapters, we’ll talk about the core features of a successful investor and each individual stage of ‘BRRRR.’

Professional Development

Professional development grow your skills, advance your career.

Quantifying Investment

Propel your career forward, embrace new opportunities, & lead in your field.

Validation of Skills

Validate your expertise and earn the confidence needed to excel in the world of real estate.

Course Style

Each week includes a series of lessons with many types of learning opportunities, such as:

Video Content

Your instructor Joel Kraut will lead video recorded lessons going through each chapter.

Lesson Readings

Prefer to read through lessons instead of following along, no problem!


Measure your success and continue your growth.

Paced Experience

Everyone learns differently, so we designed this program to let you work at your own pace. Gain what you need from the course independently and reap the rewards of a program designed to level you.


Each course allows for variability in learning time and method.

Progress Tracking

Our courses are segmented out for digestible and easy to understand chapters.

Additional Resources

Every chapter will come with a resources section with access to calculators and other materials to level you up.

Our 6 Course Program


The Foundations of REI

In this first week, you will learn the fundamentals of Real Estate Investing and how this program will prepare you for the BRRRR process. Not 100% sure what ‘BRRRR’ is? Don’t worry!


Core Features

As Real Estate Investors, it’s our mission to identify value-add opportunities to maximize our income. Real Estate Investing, is, after all, purchasing, owning, managing, renting, or selling Real Estate for profit.


The "Buy" Stage

The essential first step in the buying stage is identifying your investment goals.  Investment goals are unique to each investor and can range from generating passive income to building long-term wealth.


The "Rehab" Stage

In this chapter, we're going to demystify the Rehab stage. We'll show you why it's not the monster under the bed, but rather, the key to a successful invesment journey. It's the stage where you have the most control, create the appeal that attracts renters, and ultimately, where you boost your returns.


The "Rent" Stage

In this chapter, we'll explore setting the right rental price. It's a delicate balance, my friends. Too high, and you risk vacancies. Too low, and you're leaving money on the table.


The "Refinance" Stage

Refinance is where the magic happens, where you get to tap into the increased value of your property, pulling out cash that you can use to...well, to do it all over again! This can be a real turning point in your real estate investing journey, enabling you to scale up and build your property empire faster.

BRRRR Master's Course

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